Is your farm or business one of the most important things in your life? If you answered yes, then you know personally how important it is to protect it and all of our important assets. That is why it is essential that you insure these entities and make sure that your coverage is comprehensive enough to meet your every need.
Much like your car, life or home, insuring your farm or business should be a non-negotiable step in your business’ security. When you decide to sign up for insurance, you need to work with a company you can trust, and The Lewis Financial Group is that company. Beyond providing excellent farm and business insurance programs, we understand that oftentimes your business and personal lives overlap – whether an at-home business or a ranch that includes your home – and we can work to mold an insurance program to meet your unique needs.
When it comes to agribusiness insurance, we are your one-stop shop. We pride ourselves in covering every aspect of your farm, and we provide protection for every type of agricultural business, from those that house livestock and horses to smaller, more boutique operations. Our insurance is comprehensive, offering protection from theft, vandalism, fire damage, storms and more, and can often be combined with your homeowner policy or other needed coverages to offer you everything you need at a discount.
We also cover many other types of businesses and our commercial insurance is beyond comprehensive. We believe that strong businesses are the backbone of this country, so we want to offer our brand of protection to you and be your backbone in case of a disaster or unexpected problem. Our programs are meant to protect you, and they provide a blanket of security against employee injuries, theft, natural disasters and more, in addition to providing inventory coverage and income loss protection options. We provide assistance to an ever-growing range of businesses, from floral and landscape operations to contractors of every stripe.
Here at The Lewis Financial Group, we know how important your farm or business is to you, your family and the community at large, so we want to be there for you through thick and thin. To learn more about our many programs and to find the right insurance for your business, ranch or farm, schedule an appointment with our agents in West Virginia by calling 304-242-3355 or in Ohio at 740-699-2636.
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